Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, March 31, 2024
Man Has Had His Hand Taken by Satan
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on March 20, 2023

God the Father, the Almighty Yahweh says, "Listen Israel, it is your God who speaks to you, lend your ear to His voice, out of infinite love He still comes to you, He asks for conversion of heart.
Oh, My children, the horror of war is advancing, suddenly the whole earth will be on fire, pay attention to this call of Mine, it is urgent! Return quickly to Me because only in Me will you have salvation.
Repent, My children, repent! To My prophets I command to go forth without delay and to all of you, called to the divine mission, I ask responsibility, honesty, obedience, prepare the way for the returning Lord.
The refuges will now be visited by the Blessed Virgin, She will put in them the sign of victory in Christ Jesus Her Son. Offer yourselves to the Lord, let no deception be in you, do not beg for those who have given your all to Him, God is. His reward for His own will be great. Fight like true soldiers alongside Mary Most Holy, She is the Coredemptrix, Her head is crowned with twelve stars, She is the perfect guide.
Evil reigns in every corner of the earth, Satan feasts on the hearts of men, they have become blind and deaf, they turn away from the voice of God the Creator, it is a people now living perversion. Man has taken Satan's hand, he is following him, hailing his greatness. Poor men!
Now on Earth all hell will break loose, men will no longer know where to go, everywhere there will be destruction and immense pain. The air is already infected with new viruses, evil man is polluting the air, poisoning the water and crops. What will man live on?
Enough! God is tired of man's foolishness, betrayals to Him. Enough! Do not turn your backs on your God lest you be forsaken by Him. Do not allow the evil done to Him to fall upon you and your children. Do not offend the Lord.
Enough! I must anticipate My intervention or this Planet will be destroyed, it will perish together with the very Humanity that contains it.
The Blessed Virgin weeps, She sees Her fellow human beings running to the hissing of the ancient serpent who calls them back to himself. They have lost the faculty of thinking, their infernal god holds them clinging to its claws.
Repent, O men, repent! Make amends now for your mistakes. The time is fulfilled, return quickly to your Creator God, His justice is at hand but, while the world is falling apart, God is preparing His intervention, His Enough is at hand!"
Source: ➥